about our friendship
Happy birthday to you,
Even though i wish it earlier i don’t care.
don’t forget about our friendship, that we’ve shared.
Birthday Text Messages, Happy Birthday SMS, Birthday SMS Collection, Birthday SMS foe Love, Friends, Husband, Brother, Wife, Husband, Romantic birthday text messages, birthday jokes, Birthday SMS in English, Hindi, Urdu
Happy birthday to you,
Even though i wish it earlier i don’t care.
don’t forget about our friendship, that we’ve shared.
Pholo ne bola khushbo se
Khushbo ne bola badal se
Badal ne bola lehro se
Lehro ne bola sahil se
Wohi hum kehtey hen dil se
Loveable symbol
Loveable place
*Taj mahal*
Loveable day
*14 feb*
Loveable organ
Loveable person.
*U*:-)happy birthdäy nd mæny màny häppy retrus ov thè däy.,B-)
May this day bring countless happiness
and endless joy and live with peace
and serenity; Happy Birthday.
The best Birthday wish
I can give you today is that
you should keep growing younger
and younger as years pass by.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!