SMS Collection


Category: Birthday SMS

Birthday Text Messages, Happy Birthday SMS, Birthday SMS Collection, Birthday SMS foe Love, Friends, Husband, Brother, Wife, Husband, Romantic birthday text messages, birthday jokes, Birthday SMS in English, Hindi, Urdu

loveable birthday

Loveable symbol
Loveable place
*Taj mahal*
Loveable day
*14 feb*
Loveable organ
Loveable person.
*U*:-)happy birthdäy nd mæny màny häppy retrus ov thè däy.,B-)

Happy Birthday Mommy with Love

Happy Birthday Mommy
Thank you for loving
and caring for me.
Also for all the little things
you do so beautifully.
This is my greeting.
A wish for joy and cheer.
The greeting is for your birthday.
The wish is for all year.

happy birthday wish for mommy to have a good year.
happy birthday wish for mommy to have a good year.