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I Am Not Handsome

I Am Not Handsome.

But I can give my “HAND” to “SOME” one who needs help.

Beauty is in heart, not in face.

Work For A Cause

Work for a cause, not for applause.

Live to express, not to impress.

Don’t strive to make your presence noticed,

just make your absence felt.

Men and Women Should Know

Men and Women Should Know

What women should know:
a man who truly loves you
will never let you go,
no matter how hard the situation is.

What men should know:
a woman who truly loves you
will be angry at you for so many things,
but will stick around always.

Know Your Worth

If you’re not being treated
with love and respect,
check your price tag.
Perhaps you have marked yourself down.
It’s you who tell people
what’s your worth by what you accept.
Get off the clearance rack
and get behind the glass
where they keep the valuables!
Bottom line: value yourself more!
if you don’t, no one else will!

High Level of Trust

When you share your problems with someone special,

It doesn’t mean that you are weak by any measure.

It actually indicates your high level of trust for that person.