Be Happy For No Reason
A child can teach an adult three things;
To be happy for no reason,
to always be busy with something,
and to know how to demand with all might
that which he desires.
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A child can teach an adult three things;
To be happy for no reason,
to always be busy with something,
and to know how to demand with all might
that which he desires.
Expression of the face
could be seen by everyone.
But the depression of heart
could be understood only by the best one.
Don’t lose them in Life.
A new sun
A new day
A new SMS
Asking u to
4Get all ur
& Tears
For some1
Who wants to see
“U” Always Happy
Don’t take mirror seriously.
Your true reflection
is in your heart.
Ur aim in life shud b 54321..
Shockd !!
I mean…
5- Five digit salary
4- Four wheeler vehicle
3- Three room flat
2- Two cute children
1- One sweetheart
The real life starts
when you want something
so badly that you have no
going to get it and stil
you believe in yourself
that some day you will
make it happen.
Keep the smile,
Leave the tear,
Think of joy,
Forget the fear ,
Hold the laugh,
Leave the pain,
Be jouyous till i sms again.
Two things define Your Attitude_
What YOU think of Yourself_ when
You don’t have anything_
What YOU think for others_ when
You have Everything !
Living in favourable and unfavourable situation,
is called part of living.
Smiling in all those situations,
is called Art of living.
So always be smiling.
I Thought You Were Busy.
This is the main reason
behind the most broken relations
So keep disturbing those
whom you never wanna lose in your life.