Nobody Has Time
In old times, nobody had clock but Everybody had time.
Everyone has the clock but nobody has time.
Strange but true!
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In old times, nobody had clock but Everybody had time.
Everyone has the clock but nobody has time.
Strange but true!
Making a million friends is not an achievement,
The achievement is to make
“A” friend who will stand by you
when a million are against you….!
A candle may melt
and its fire may die,
but the love you have given me
will always stay as a flame in my heart.
The best kind of relationship
in the world is the one in which
a sorry and a smile
can make everything back to normal again :)
Tips To Beat The Summer
1- Drink Lot Of Fresh Water
2- Cover Your Head When Outside
3- Eat Vegetables
But Most Important
4- Message Me Daily Bcoz I M So Coool..:-)
Often when we lose all hope
think this is the end.
God smiles from above & says :
Relax my dear,
it’s just a bend, not the end.
When ‘I’ is replaced by ‘WE’
Even ‘Illness” becomes “Wellness”
A stronger and positive attitude
creates more miracles than any other thing.
Life is 10 % how you make it..
90 % How you take it..!
Deep like OCEAN.
High like SKY.
Strong like IRON.
Kind like MOTHER.
& cute like ME.
When you start caring about yourself,
you start loving somebody.
But when you start caring about others,
somebody start loving you.