Miss My Own Smile
A line said by a friend to his friend
after both got busy in their lives
and didn’t contact each other.
“Miss your smile a lot but,
I miss my own smile more.”
Every has friends and Friendship is a word know to every one. Reminding your friends on each occasion, send them gifts, cards and SMS is must. SmsGlitz has compiled a list of Friendship SMS and Friendship Quotes ranging in language from English, Urdu, Hindi, Bengla to Punjabi. You will find some good Friendship SMS, Friendship Text Messages, Exciting Friendship SMS, Friendship quotes, greetings and wishes. For Love/Romantic SMS
A line said by a friend to his friend
after both got busy in their lives
and didn’t contact each other.
“Miss your smile a lot but,
I miss my own smile more.”
If a drop falls on lake
It loses its identity.
If falls on a rose
It shines.
If Falls on a shell
It becomes a pearl.
The drop is same
Company matters.
True friends do not
value you for what
you can do for them,
they simply value you.
Dosti naam hai sukh dukh ka, afsaane ka
Dosti raaz hai sada muskrane ka
ye koi pal do pal ki rshtedari nahi
Dosti to lafz hay umar bhar sath nibanay ka…!
I dropped a Tear in the ocean
while Thinking of You.
And I Promised to be
Your friend Till I find it….
Now did you know how long
i need your friendship.? …
I may not always give
whats expected in friendship.
I may get busy with my own life
but deep inside Me,
lives a heart that values you
more than you’ll ever know!!
Full form of FRIENSHIP:-
N-Never Ending
“FRIENDSHIP” is a sim,
which has no activation charges.
Free incoming and outgoing
with roaming all over the world
and it’s validity “NEVER ENDs”…
Friends are like mirrors,
you can see yourself
just by looking at them.
When life changes and
both of us go seperate ways.
You will still be in my heart
till my dying day.
I tell no lie, this is true.
The world has never seen a friend like you.