beautiful color of life painting
Every Life In This World
Is Painted By GOD.
I am Thankful To Him
Because When He
Painted My Life
Including One
Beautiful Color
of You..
As My Friend.
Every has friends and Friendship is a word know to every one. Reminding your friends on each occasion, send them gifts, cards and SMS is must. SmsGlitz has compiled a list of Friendship SMS and Friendship Quotes ranging in language from English, Urdu, Hindi, Bengla to Punjabi. You will find some good Friendship SMS, Friendship Text Messages, Exciting Friendship SMS, Friendship quotes, greetings and wishes. For Love/Romantic SMS
Every Life In This World
Is Painted By GOD.
I am Thankful To Him
Because When He
Painted My Life
Including One
Beautiful Color
of You..
As My Friend.
One stone is enough to break a glass.
One sentence is enough to break a heart.
One second is enough to fall in love.
One SMS is enough to keep the relation alive.
ÅCHÉ DØ$T “HATH”åùr “ANKH”ki tärhä høtéy hñ,
Jäb”HATH”ko taqleef hotì hy tø”ÅÑKH”røtì hy,
Äur jab “AÑKH”røti hy to”HATH”äñ$øø pòoñchtå hy.
After serious and cautious consideration,
Your contract of FRIENDship has been renewed for the New Year.
It was a hard decision to make.
So, try to be more LOVING and CARING next year.
Take care of Me and Miss me.
Love is like chewing gum
it tastes only in the beginning
But friendship is like chocolate
it tastes till it ends.
A friend is someone
who know when to shout,
and when to hold you
in their arm and
let you cry.