Negative Part of Your Friend
True friends are those
who came into your life,
saw the most negative part of you,
but are not ready to leave you,
no matter how contagious you are to them.
Every has friends and Friendship is a word know to every one. Reminding your friends on each occasion, send them gifts, cards and SMS is must. SmsGlitz has compiled a list of Friendship SMS and Friendship Quotes ranging in language from English, Urdu, Hindi, Bengla to Punjabi. You will find some good Friendship SMS, Friendship Text Messages, Exciting Friendship SMS, Friendship quotes, greetings and wishes. For Love/Romantic SMS
Life can be hard & not always fun.
But as night brings dark Friendship is a promise made in the heart – silently, unwritten, unbreakable by distance, unchangeable by time. Take care always beloved friend.
Fish said to water
: you wont see my tears,
because I am in the water.
Water replied: But, I can feel your
tears because you are in my heart.
Art of living:
First of all,dont make friends.
if made,dont go close to them.
if gone,dont like them.
if liked,then plz.. dont leave them.
Good Night, sweet dreams
FRIEND means
f=free frm all formalities
r=right to say any thing
i=in anyway
e=either good or bad
n=no sorry no thnx
d=daantna peetna allowed 24 hours ;-)
A word to say, A word to hear
Even in your absence, I feel u near..!
Our relation is strong, Hope it goes long.
We will remain friends, Till the life goes on..!
Unredtsanding btewene ecah ohter is rael fierndsihp,
eevn we hvae so mnay msitkase
lkie htis msseaeg,
btu i konw u cna raed wtihotu erorr.
Thts frendship :)
If one day you feel like crying, call me.
I can’t promise to make you laugh,
But I’m willing to cry with you.
A 5 year old boy asked his friend.
What is friendship?
He replied: Friendship is when you rob my chocolate
every day from my bag.
I still keep it in same place.