SMS Collection


Category: Friendship SMS

Every has friends and Friendship is a word know to every one. Reminding your friends on each occasion, send them gifts, cards and SMS is must. SmsGlitz has compiled a list of Friendship SMS and Friendship Quotes ranging in language from English, Urdu, Hindi, Bengla to Punjabi. You will find some good Friendship SMS, Friendship Text Messages, Exciting Friendship SMS, Friendship quotes, greetings and wishes. For Love/Romantic SMS

flower of lake

A friend shouldn’t be like the bird of lake.

When lake gets dry bird shift other lake.

Real friend should be like flower of lake.

when lake dries flower dies.

Describe Your Friend

What is a friend?
A friend is someone who you think
your life would be different if they didn’t exist.
A friend is someone who never leaves you out,
you are always included when you are with them.
A friend is there for you, no matter what.
Does this describe your friend?

Friendship Quotes 2014 Describe

Benefits of Being My Friend

One of the benefits of being my friend
is that you can come to my house,
in your pajamas, no makeup and look
and look like crap and I won’t judge you
because I will also be in my pajamas
with no makeup looking like crap.

benefits of having real friends
benefits of having real friends

The Best of Friends

The best of Friends

The best of friends can change a frown
into a smile when you feel down.

The best of friends wil understand your
little trials and lend a hand.

The best of friends will always share your
secret dreams because they care.

The best of friends, worth more than gold,
give all the love a heart can hold.

Dosti ki”WAJA”nai hoti

Dosti ki”WAJA”nai hoti

Dosti”SAZA”nai hoti

Dosti men hoti hai”IMANDARI”

Dosti men”DUNIYA DARI” nai hoti

Dost jan se”PYARA”hota hai

Dost se”JAN”pyari nahi hoti.