We made so many friends.
some becomes dearest.
some becomes special.
fell in love with some one.
some go abroad.
some changed thier cities.
some left us.
we left some.
some are in contact.
some ar not in contact.
some don’t contact, coz of thier ego.
we don’t contact, coz of our ego.
what ever they are,
what ever they were,
we still
remember, love, missed, cared them.
coz of the part the played to made memories.
Value of relation is not,
That how much one feels
happy with someone.
But it is the lonliness,
That one feels without someone.
Choose your friends with caution.
Plan your future with purpose and
frame your life with faith.
– Thomas S. Monson
Faithful Quotes about love life and friends 2014
You’re a part of so many
of my happiest memories
and I want you to know
how special you will always be to me.
Friends Forever.
The better the friend,
the less cleaning you do
before they come over.
better friends makes you more comfortable
A friend is one who overlooks your broken fence
and admires the flowers in your garden.
Friendship means understanding, not agreement .
It means forgiveness, not forgetting .
It means the memories last ,
even if contact is lost.
Friendship means understanding, not agreement.
My friends are the most stupid people of the world.
Idiots they are, they catch my sadness even when i m smiling… :-)
Silly losers, some time don’t even give time to me… :-(
Devils, they tease me till it gets on to my nerves… :-P
Some time fools, have fun without me and don’t even care to miss… ;->
But still I love each super duper idiot friend of mine.
Because Life is Hell without them!B-)
L0ve is P0ssible After Friendship,
But Friendship is N0t P0ssible After L0ve
Medicines W0rk Before Death
N0t after Death..!!
Fake friends are no different
than the shadows,
they stick around during
your brightest moments,
but disappear during
your darkest hours.