I know that they r fine but I call & ask
“kaise ho”
I know that they can’t forget me but I say them
“bas dekh lia!
bhooL gaye ho mujhe”
I know that they can’t go widout me but I say
“zaLimo mujhe b Le k Jaana”
I know that they can’t finish all stuff without me but I say “beta akele akele”
I know that they’ll share everything with me but I say
“oay mujhe b batana”
I know that they r with me in every problem but I say
“gum na hoJana an time pe”
I know its impossible to survive without them but I say!
“Bas Jao ainda muJh se baat na karna”
They are the BEST part of my life. MY FRIENDS (KUSH RHO)
Aray O friendwa!
Kaisan ho?
Hmaar se koi galti hui gva ka?
Tohaar SMSwa k darshan kiye ik jmana beet gva
Turant ik dui SMSwa bhijwai do hamaar tuntuniya per!
Funny Friendship Humor
Friends may not be able to PULL you up…
they will still think of ways not to let you FALL…
Your sms is part of my Heart.
Your miss call is beat of my heart.
Your call is blood circulation of my heart.
So continue to contact me and keep active my heart.
Friendship isn’t about who
you’ve known the longest.
It’s about who come….
stayed by your side,
and never left you when you
needed someone the most.
If you trust someone.
Trust till the end.
Whatever the results may be.
In the end either you will have
a very good friend or a good lesson.
Roses are pink
as pink as your lips
stars are bright
as bright as your eyes
Apples are red
as red as your cheeks
Snow is white
as white as your teeth
Dew is fresh
as fresh as your face
Night is black
as black as your hair
Breeze is soft
as soft as your voice
Dawn is warm
as warm as your touch
The sky is beautiful
as beautiful as you
And the world is good
as good as your heart
so i m lucky u r my friend
If your friends don’t make fun of you,
they’re not really your friends.
friends always make fun of you.
Being honest may not
get you a lot of friends
but it will always get
you the right ones.
Friendship is a gift that is fair in all things.
It roots from one’s heart and involves memories
that stay not for a while but for a lifetime.