SMS Collection


Category: Friendship SMS

Every has friends and Friendship is a word know to every one. Reminding your friends on each occasion, send them gifts, cards and SMS is must. SmsGlitz has compiled a list of Friendship SMS and Friendship Quotes ranging in language from English, Urdu, Hindi, Bengla to Punjabi. You will find some good Friendship SMS, Friendship Text Messages, Exciting Friendship SMS, Friendship quotes, greetings and wishes. For Love/Romantic SMS

I Know But I Say

I know that they r fine but I call & ask
“kaise ho”

I know that they can’t forget me but I say them
“bas dekh lia!
bhooL gaye ho mujhe”

I know that they can’t go widout me but I say
“zaLimo mujhe b Le k Jaana”

I know that they can’t finish all stuff without me but I say “beta akele akele”

I know that they’ll share everything with me but I say
“oay mujhe b batana”

I know that they r with me in every problem but I say
“gum na hoJana an time pe”

I know its impossible to survive without them but I say!

“Bas Jao ainda muJh se baat na karna”

They are the BEST part of my life. MY FRIENDS (KUSH RHO)

Aray O friendwa

Aray O friendwa!

Kaisan ho?

Hmaar se koi galti hui gva ka?

Tohaar SMSwa k darshan kiye ik jmana beet gva

Turant ik dui SMSwa bhijwai do hamaar tuntuniya per!

Roses are pink, as pink as your lips

Roses are pink
as pink as your lips

stars are bright
as bright as your eyes

Apples are red
as red as your cheeks

Snow is white
as white as your teeth

Dew is fresh
as fresh as your face

Night is black
as black as your hair

Breeze is soft
as soft as your voice

Dawn is warm
as warm as your touch

The sky is beautiful
as beautiful as you

And the world is good
as good as your heart

so i m lucky u r my friend