Category: Good Morning SMS
SmsGlitz contains a wide variety of Good Morning SMS, Good Morning Quotes, Subah Bakhair SMS and Text Messages. Wish your friends Good Morning by sending one of the messages from SmsGlitz’s Good Morning SMS Collection
fragrance of morning
*”Älwäy$ B Khü$h iñ Every Lämhä öf Ziñdägi”*
*”Iñ Dä Khü$hbö öf Pyär”*
*”Jö Älwy$ Äp K Äröuñd Rähe”*
*”Häve ä Ächä Ächä Däy”*
one more inning to win
Do you know the meaning of morning.?
morning means: one more inning
given by the god to play and win.
so good morning.
Have a nice day.
A Very Sweet Morning
A very sweet morning to
one of the sweetest persons
I have met my whole life.
May you have an amazing day.
Good morning!
Sweet Thoughts and Prayers of morning
:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: :-: G(,")(",)D :-: :-: MöRNiNG :-: ....................... Sweet Thöüghts & Pväyers äre Sent ür wäy tö Wärm ür Heärt & Bless ür Däy. . . .. SMSGLITZ.COM
Sawery Sawery Ho Khushyon Ka Mela
Sawery Sawery Ho Khushyon Ka Mela
Na Logo Ki Parwa Na Dunya Ka Jhamela
Pnchiyon Ka Sangeet Ho Or Mosam Albela
Mubark Ho Apko Aj Ka Sawera
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