Special Morning Wish For Friends
Special Morning Wish For Friends
For a nice friend
“nice morning”..
For a sweet friend
“sweet morning”
For a loving friend
“lovely morning”
For a Good friend
“good morning”
SmsGlitz contains a wide variety of Good Morning SMS, Good Morning Quotes, Subah Bakhair SMS and Text Messages. Wish your friends Good Morning by sending one of the messages from SmsGlitz’s Good Morning SMS Collection
Special Morning Wish For Friends
For a nice friend
“nice morning”..
For a sweet friend
“sweet morning”
For a loving friend
“lovely morning”
For a Good friend
“good morning”
Today is filled with sunshine
like the friendship we two share
my day will be just dandy
I’ll pretend that I am there with you.
Good Morning
Today Thought: Try hard to get what you like (or) you will be
forced to like what you get… Keep smiling always it increases your
face value… Good Morning and Have a Terrific day…
Moon is Upset, sun is Happy
You know why…??
B Coz,
Moon is Missing you
Sun is going to be with you.
Have a Wonderfull day..!
Good morning..God Bless u..
:”‘: :”‘:
: :,,,,: :
: :””: :
:,,: :,,: E L L O
Watch this cool hello
I just want to wish you
a Nice day and sweet sweet morning
This is a 5star message
for a dairy milk person
from a lolypop friend
for a melody reason
at a kitkat time
on a munch day
in a perk mood