A night hug warms the heart
A night hug warms the heart,
a night kiss brightens the day,
and a gd morning to start your day!
SmsGlitz contains a wide variety of Good Morning SMS, Good Morning Quotes, Subah Bakhair SMS and Text Messages. Wish your friends Good Morning by sending one of the messages from SmsGlitz’s Good Morning SMS Collection
A night hug warms the heart,
a night kiss brightens the day,
and a gd morning to start your day!
Clock make sound as Tik Tik
but listen carefully
its not Tik Tik
its real sound is Quick Quick
Because time is precious!
Good Morning.
The first sunlight to touch your face
is my whisper to ALLAH
to take care of you.
and to make your day a pleasant one.
”GÖÖD MÖrnIng”
Morning is NATURE’S way of saying:
Live life one more time,
make a difference,
touch one heart,
encourage one mind
and inspire one soul.
Every day is beautiful.
Each day is special.
Each day is a gift of God and
this is why we call it the present.
Good Morning