best of everything
,——-. _/\_
l .—-._l >,<
l l__L”””ood
ì wìsh ü d bèst öf èvèrythìng nöt jüst tödäy büt älwäys.
GOD Blèss ü!
Hävè ä Nicè däy.
SmsGlitz contains a wide variety of Good Morning SMS, Good Morning Quotes, Subah Bakhair SMS and Text Messages. Wish your friends Good Morning by sending one of the messages from SmsGlitz’s Good Morning SMS Collection
,——-. _/\_
l .—-._l >,<
l l__L”””ood
ì wìsh ü d bèst öf èvèrythìng nöt jüst tödäy büt älwäys.
GOD Blèss ü!
Hävè ä Nicè däy.
|||||||||”””””‘\/””””””|||| (GOOD ORNING )
Have A GooD DaY
The sun had rise from the east & birds r singing happily &
butterflies are around the flowers. It is time to wake up &
give a big yawning & say good morning to you..
*”Älwäy$ B Khü$h iñ Every Lämhä öf Ziñdägi”*
*”Iñ Dä Khü$hbö öf Pyär”*
*”Jö Älwy$ Äp K Äröuñd Rähe”*
*”Häve ä Ächä Ächä Däy”
Never reject a day in your life.
Because: Good Day gives you happiness
and Bad Day gives you experience.
Both are essential in life.
Enjoy everyday of your life.
Hey! look at this icy cold
and chocolaty sweet morning.
waiting for the most beautiful
1st awaking smile of the day from you
Good morning
I try to Be the best friend i can be, so here you go,
Some Good Morning flowers right to you from me.
Life soars when you start dreaming…
Hope surrounds when you start beilebing,
Love blooms when you start caring…
Dream, Hope,Love warm up your
heart, mind and soul for a beautiful life.
Good Morning