When its time to go to be bed, its time to say Good Night and send Good Night SMS or Good Night Greetings to your Family, Friends and Loved ones. Here you will find Urdu/Hindi Good Night SMS Collection as well. So pickup from Good Night text Messages and Good Night Prayers and send to the loved ones. For Good Morning SMS
I don’t need to be rich or have a fancy home.
I just want to go to sleep at night
knowing my labor had heart.
I’ve loved fiercely and lived
close enough to the edge that
I can see the waves kiss the rocks.
Good Night
Dream a dream tonight as you sleep. Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep.
May all of your dreams and wishes come true
coz I couldn’t find a better friend like you!
Good Night.
Morning makes us tension,
afternoon makes us tired,
evening makes us engage,
but only night makes us rest,
so close your eyes and enjoy your dreams.
goodnight take care.