When its time to go to be bed, its time to say Good Night and send Good Night SMS or Good Night Greetings to your Family, Friends and Loved ones. Here you will find Urdu/Hindi Good Night SMS Collection as well. So pickup from Good Night text Messages and Good Night Prayers and send to the loved ones. For Good Morning SMS
One day I may die without saying good bye to you.
But I will never forget to say thank you,
Because you hold the most loveliest part in my life. Good Night
Things to take note when you sleep:
1st -miss me,
2nd-think of me,
3rd-hug me,
4th-love me.
Try to sleep now
and close your eyes.
Get prepared to dream of me!
Good Night.
Yes, As the day turns into night,
keep your worries out of sight.
Close your eyes and go to sleep,
All the good times are yours to keep.
Sweetest dreams & Good Night.