SMS Collection


Category: Heartbreak SMS

To Be Strong To Feel

Some people think that
to be strong is to
never feel pain.
In reality the strongest people
are the ones who feel it,
understand it and accept it.

Erase The Messages

Sometimes you just have to
erase the messages,
delete the numbers and move on.
You don’t have to forget
who that person was to you;
Only accept that they aren’t
that person anymore.

Hurt Your Heart and Soul

When you love someone
truly love them, friend or lover,
you lay your heart open to them.
You give them a part of yourself
that you give to no one else,
and you let them inside a part
of you that only they can hurt
you literally hand them the razor
with a map of where to cut
deepest and most painfully on
your heart and soul.

– Sherrilyn Kenyon

true love can hurt your soul and heart.
true love can hurt your soul and heart.