SMS Collection


Category: Independence Day SMS

Independence Day celebrated each year on 14th August in Pakistan and 15th August in India has meaning and motivation for everyone. Here we have a collection of Independence Day SMS (Azadi Mubarak SMS), Independence Day Quotes, Independence Day Motivational Text. Feel free to share this with your friends.

belongs to my country

People think war is a competition





or nations.


It is a battle of prayers

between our mothers and their mothers.

The question is,

whose son will come back with the flag in his hand

and whose will come with the flag over his body.

I was told at my birth

that I don’t belong to

My parents,

My destiny,

My dreams,

I belongs only to Pakistan.

Lets unite in the war against our enemies.

Pakistan Zinda Baad.

Let’s Take Decision To Value Our Nation

!=- -.. (* ..-=_;
Let’s Take Decision

To Value Our Nation

Won’t Forget Those Sacrifices,

Who Gave Us Freedom

Now Its Our Turn

To Have A Reformation.

HaPpY 62nd InDePeNdEnCe DaY tO ALL

Lets Celebrate Dis Day.

D Day Dat Gave Us D Freedom Of Thought, Action, Faith n Speech