Do you know what Pakistan means?
No??? ok let me tell you
P-> Perfect
Independence Day celebrated each year on 14th August in Pakistan and 15th August in India has meaning and motivation for everyone. Here we have a collection of Independence Day SMS (Azadi Mubarak SMS), Independence Day Quotes, Independence Day Motivational Text. Feel free to share this with your friends.
Here we have some selected Independence Day SMS Collection 2010. Browse it and share it with your country fellows.
Others May Have 4gotten
But Never Can I
The Flag Of My Country
Furls Very High
Happy Pakistan Day
Meaning Of Pakistan in Word
P for Perfect
A For Ambitious
K For Kool
I For Islamic
S For Super
T For Talented
A For Able
N For Nation
Happy 68th Independence Day Pakistan
This is the day,
That Our nation sings
This is the day
That the liberty bell starts to ring
This is the day
We all start to remember
What We stand for
And to celebrate our Independence
We stand up high, as We
All start to cry
As we think about,
All that died
For you, for me, for our whole country
Risking there life
Each & everyday here is a salute
To all that lay …
Happy Independence Day :)
Without freedom,
no one really has a name.
One Nation, One Vision, One Identity
Do you know what Pakistan means?
No??? ok let me tell you
P-> Perfect
66 Years Ago
A Nation Was Searching For A Piece Of Land.
A Piece Of Land Searching For A Nation.
Can Any One Help..??
((*-._ Happy Independence Day _.-*))
No nation is perfect,
It needs to be made perfect
Contribute towards the perfection of your country
Happy Independence Day
31 States,
1618 Languages,
6400 Castes,
6 Religion,
6 Ethnic Groups,
29 Major festivals
& 1 Country!
Be Proud to be an Indian!..
Happy Independence Day………