SMS Collection


Category: Independence Day SMS

Independence Day celebrated each year on 14th August in Pakistan and 15th August in India has meaning and motivation for everyone. Here we have a collection of Independence Day SMS (Azadi Mubarak SMS), Independence Day Quotes, Independence Day Motivational Text. Feel free to share this with your friends.

Celebrate Independence Day with Pride

Let’s unite to brighten up the glare of
Amar Jawaan Jyoti by remembering the martyrs.
Let’s ignite in our hearts the passion
of patriotism on the Independence Day India.
Let’s celebrate this day with pride and glory.
Happy Independence Day

India celebrate independence day with pride and glory.
India celebrate independence day with pride and glory.

Pakistan Day SMS 2012

Pakistan Day SMS 2012

On this 23rd March…
Let patriotism
be guided by the ideals
that gave birth to this
great nation!

May our country be
bestowed with the
blessings of peace and