Category: Love SMS
Huge big and Cute Collection of Latest Love SMS, English Love SMS, Urdu Love SMS, Hindi Love SMS, Funny Love SMS, Free Love SMS, Valentine’s Love SMS, Cute Love quotes, Love Greetings, Love You Wishes, Love you SMS, Love you Feelings
When you love someone, it’s nothing.
When you love someone, it’s nothing.
When someone loves you, it’s something.
When U love someone & they love you back,
It’s everything.
hug you with my prayers
WhEn mY Armz cAn’t reAch yOu… !!
I alwAYs hUg yOu Wid mY prAyErs..
MAY Allah giVe yOu WhAteVer yOuR heArt dEsiRes.
Is anjaan duniya main aap kahan say aa gayai?
Aaj is qadar raah main ishq bikhra para hai,
Aaj her khushbo phiki, aur gumnaam her dua hai,
Is anjaan duniya main aap kahan say aa gayai?
Koon ho aap, jis nay mohabbat say mujhey chuna hai
To love is a duty and right
To love is a duty and right.
To be loved is a gift and luck.
To love someone who loves u is an achievement.
To be loved by someone whom u love is LIFE!
Miracle called friendship
To hear what is unspoken,
to see what is invisible,
to feel without even touching…
is the miracle called “friendship”
Balance Between Mind and Heart
The greatest distance in the
world is just 14 inches…
From the mind to the heart…
It’s most difficult to manage
the balance between them.
What is gr8 love ?
What iS gr8 love ?
Its wen u hide tears n still care 4 her .
Its wen she ignores u n u still LOVE her .
Its wen she begins love someone else
n u still SMILE
Valentine is a lovely day 4 all lovers
Valentine is a lovely day 4 all lovers
i think it’s also u!
Because u r my sweet ‘VALENTINE’
A smile to put you on high
A smile to put you on high…
A kiss to set your soul alright…
Would it be alright if
I spent tonight being loved by you?