SMS Collection


Category: Love SMS

Huge big and Cute Collection of Latest Love SMS, English Love SMS, Urdu Love SMS, Hindi Love SMS, Funny Love SMS, Free Love SMS, Valentine’s Love SMS, Cute Love quotes, Love Greetings, Love You Wishes, Love you SMS, Love you Feelings

Right Guy Will Love

It doesn’t matter
how you look,
what your weight is
or how much makeup you put on.
The right guy will love you
for what’s inside.

If a butterfly comes close to you

If a butterfly comes close to you,
if a purfumed rose touches your face,
if your mobile dances on a nice tone,
remember its me trying to say you
‘happy valentine‘s day‘….

There Is No Love

Without communication,
there is no relationship.
Without respect,
there is no love.
Without trust,
there is no reason to continue.

To my favorite teacher!

Every day I come to school;
I spend a lot of time
Learning all the things you teach,
Which is the reason I’m
Sending you this Valentine;
It’s meant to let you know
I’m happy you’re my teacher
And I want to tell you so!
Happy Valentine’s Day
To my favorite teacher!

Sit To Seek Your Glory

By the moon as I sit to seek your glory,
the white roses I see, creates a new story.
Seasons are many, their reasons few.
What remains is that I will always love you!

don’t avoid me

The opposite of LOVE is

not HATE but to AVOID.

Shakespeare says: If u dont love me

then hate me

but plz dont avoid me……