Log Waisay Bhi To Kahtay Hain
Kya Bura Hai K Main Iqraar-e-Mohabbat Kar Loon..
Log Waisay Bhi To Kahtay Hain Gunah Gaar Mujhay
Huge big and Cute Collection of Latest Love SMS, English Love SMS, Urdu Love SMS, Hindi Love SMS, Funny Love SMS, Free Love SMS, Valentine’s Love SMS, Cute Love quotes, Love Greetings, Love You Wishes, Love you SMS, Love you Feelings
Kya Bura Hai K Main Iqraar-e-Mohabbat Kar Loon..
Log Waisay Bhi To Kahtay Hain Gunah Gaar Mujhay
<< LOVE >>
is not about whom
you have known the longest..
Who came first…
Who cares the best…
It’s all about WHO CAME & NEVER LEFT.
A person who truly loves you
is someone who sees the pain
in your eyes,
while everyone else still believes
in the smile on your face.
Someone wrote on the door of Heart
“Please Do Not Enter”
Love came
Smiled and said;
“Sorry I Am Illiterate.” :-)
Never give yourself to some one
cos love is varied
it does not have guarantee,
we play cos it’s a game of intelligence
need hard work to get inside a person.
Care is the sweetest form of love.
When someone says “Take Care”
It really means that
you will stay in one’s heart
till its last beat.
So, Take Care.
Only Two Persons In This Earth Will B Extremely Happy.
One Who Gets Everything In Love.
The One Who Does Not Know What Is Love.!
U r unique
U r caring &
U r the best….
N I’m d luckiest to
Have U in my life!
Sometime I don’t say you Hi….
Some time I don’t reply…
Sometime I don’t SMS you…
It dosn’t mean, I forget you.
It means,
I am giving you time to miss me.