giving you time to miss me
Sometime I don’t say you Hi….
Some time I don’t reply…
Sometime I don’t SMS you…
It dosn’t mean, I forget you.
It means,
I am giving you time to miss me.
Huge big and Cute Collection of Latest Love SMS, English Love SMS, Urdu Love SMS, Hindi Love SMS, Funny Love SMS, Free Love SMS, Valentine’s Love SMS, Cute Love quotes, Love Greetings, Love You Wishes, Love you SMS, Love you Feelings
Sometime I don’t say you Hi….
Some time I don’t reply…
Sometime I don’t SMS you…
It dosn’t mean, I forget you.
It means,
I am giving you time to miss me.
Love is a cycle…
when you love, you get hurt,
when you get hurt, you hate,
when you hate, you try to forget.
when you try to forget, you start missing.
and when you start missing…
you’ll eventually fall in love again.
What L O V E stands for?
L = Lake of Sorrow
O = Ocean of Tears
V = Valley of Death
E = End of life….
You say you love rain,
but you use an umbrella.
You say you love sun,
but you seek shade.
You say you love wind,
but you close your window.
So that’s why I’m scared
when you say you love me.
Can U count the stars in the sky?
Can U count the hair of a sheep?
Can U measure how many gallons
of water is in in the pool?
So how can u
count the love in my heart 4 u
I Love You.
I love you more than all the stars in the sky.
I love you more as each moment passes us by.
I love you more with every breath I take.
I love you more with each promise we make.
Good Relations don’t need
any Promise Terms or Conditions.
They just need Two wonderful People
One who can trust And One who can understand that trust
You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love;
the running across fields into your lover’s arms
can only come later when
you’re sure they won’t laugh if you trip.
Talk 2 me when i’m bored,
kiss me when i’m sad,
hug me when i cry,
care 4 me when i die,
love me when i’m still alive.