SMS Collection


Category: New Year SMS

Its time to say good by to year 2016 and welcome the new year 2017 while celebrating Christmas. While its common to wish your friends and family members with cards, sending new year sms is one of the new ways to instantly send yours wishes, quotes and prayers related to new year event. So choose from this compiled collection of New Year SMS 2017 from and let your dear ones smile

New Year Greetings Cards Collection 2012 – Glittering Graphics

As this year is going to end this weekend, the start of a whole new year, friends and relatives prefer to meet each other and exchange greetings, the exercise becomes virtually impossible considering the number of people who have to be wished on the occasion. So people prefer sending new year wishes through new year greeting cards or simply new year sms to their friends. So here is the latest collection of new year cards, greetings having new year SMS, suitable for new year wishes and made with new year messages.


New Year Greetings 2012

New Year Has Taken

The Old Year Has Gone,
Let The Dead Past
Bury Its Own Dead,
The New Year Has
Taken Possession
Of The Clock Of Time.
All Hail, The Duties And
Possibilities Of
The Coming 12 Months

make a beginning

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language

And next year’s words await another voice.

And to make an end is to make a beginning.

Happy New Year

total new year

As-Salam O Alikum !

“nEw” day,

“nEw” aims,

“nEw” hopes,

“nEw” plans,

“nEw” eforts,

“nEw” succes,

“nEw” feelings,

“nEw” year,

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HapPy n SucCesfuL YeaR ¤

GooD MoRnInG