SMS Collection


Category: New Year SMS

Its time to say good by to year 2016 and welcome the new year 2017 while celebrating Christmas. While its common to wish your friends and family members with cards, sending new year sms is one of the new ways to instantly send yours wishes, quotes and prayers related to new year event. So choose from this compiled collection of New Year SMS 2017 from and let your dear ones smile

total new year

As-Salam O Alikum !

“nEw” day,

“nEw” aims,

“nEw” hopes,

“nEw” plans,

“nEw” eforts,

“nEw” succes,

“nEw” feelings,

“nEw” year,

¤ ¤ I wiSh Ü a

HapPy n SucCesfuL YeaR ¤

GooD MoRnInG

Another New Year Without You

Here is another new year,
you are not here by my side,
but still I can remember
that time we spent together..
I can hear your sweet voice
which were whispering that
I am only yours.
I don’t know why did you go away
though my good wishes will
always be with you sweet heart.

decorate new year

Before the Golden Sun of New Year rises,

let me decorate all its rays with wishes of

Success, Prosperity and Happiness for you and your family.

Things To Do List For New Year

New Year’s Resolutions

A bad habit I’m going to break;
A destination I’d like to visit;
I’m going to work harder at;
A project I’d like to finish;
A class I’d like to take;
I’d like to spend more time doing;
A food I want to eat more of;
I want to wear more.

Happy New To Me

get ready for new year and follow these things to do list
get ready for new year and follow these things to do list

New Beginning of New Year 2014

This year 2013 has come to an end and it will
take away all the pain and mistakes.
Now you have a brand new beginning to look
forward to. Happy New Years 2014,
with love from all of us!