SMS Collection


Category: Rainy Day Sms

on a rainy day

Please break up with me on a rainy day,

and meet me under a tree.

So when it hurts and I can not breath,

you’ll hear the rain not me.

getting wet

I like to look in puddles

when I smile, they smile.

when I laugh, they laugh.

and when I cry,

they don’t mind getting wet.

different kinds of good weather

Sunshine is delicious,

Rain is refreshing,

Wind braces us up,

Snow is exhilarating;

There is really no such thing as bad weather,

Only different kinds of good weather.

Have A Good Rainy Day.

the splashing of drops

Glory of the day, soundless and restrain,

With dark clouds, and blessings of rains.

Clouds on way, the splashing of drops,

Cheers of birds, whispers of waves with fame.

Now soothing of rain, with rainbow’s name,

Praising in a way, this is blessed in all ways.