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Feelings During Hug

During HUG…

A Girl’s Head is always D0wn…
She C0nsider her B0y t0 be her W0rld and get L0st in it…

A B0y’s Head is always Up…
s0 that n0 0ther Guy Dares t0 L0ok at his Girl…

Feels Good To Hear

It feels good
to hear someone say:
But it feels
so much better
to hear someone say:

Just Hold My Hand

Hold My Hand
Baby, I promise that I do all I can
Things will get better
if you just Hold My Hand
Nothing will come between us
if you just Hold My Hand

Kissing You Everyday

Find someone who will:
Never get tired of kissing you everyday.
Hugs you when you’re jealous.
Understandingly keep silent when you’re mad.
Squeez your hand when you’re not in the mood.
Plan and imagine the future with you in it
and when you find that someone…
never let go.

Nothing Beside Our Love

I want to go somewhere,
Where there is nothing beside our love….
I am in search of that place,
Where the love has won over the hatred….
I try to find that heaven
Where love is said to be God….
I wish to indulge in you forever and
pray everyday so that we together can find that place….
Where there is Love and Love around….