my first love story
The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you,
not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.
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The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you,
not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.
I dream about you evey night
I shiver when your in sight
I long to hold you close n tight
I wanna be there with all my might
I m just hoping I”m the girl whos right
aRe YoUr LeGs TiReD?
CoZ yoU’Ve BeEin RuNNiNg
ThRoUgH My MiNd aLL DaY LoNg!
Memories play very confusing role.
Make you laugh when you remember
the time you cried together.
But make you cry when you remember
the time you laughed together.
Heart may forget to beat
Eyes may forget to blink
Blood may forget to flow
But I cant forget you to love
Because you are something special in my life!
Relationship made by Love are like Engine.
and Love with the relatives is like Petrol.
So both are necessary for running Love Car.
Wanting u is easy missing u is hard. Wishing u was with me wrapped
up in my arms. Constantly think of u when we r apart. Ive got
the padlock u have the key to my heart.
Find arms that will hold you
at your weakest times.
Eyes that will see your beauty
at your ugliest times.
A heart that will love you
at your worst time.
The Love
Owner of my
heArt & my
I beg to sAy thAt i miss you & love you so much and, i cAn’t live without you. So kindly give me some plAce in your heArt. I shAll be very thAnkful to you.
Urs Obediently,
I feel something in my heart,
It’s like a little flame,
Every time I see you,
This flame lights up,
This flame is special for you,
Because I LOVE YOU!