Who Deserves My Heart
I am not single and
I am not committed…
I am simply on reserve
for the one who deserves
my heart!
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I am not single and
I am not committed…
I am simply on reserve
for the one who deserves
my heart!
I Çàñ førgét
å fàÇé.
I càn f¤rget
a plaÇe.
I Çàñ fòrgét
å gåmé.
I Çàñ förgét
ä ñåme.
I Çän evéñ f¤rgét myself.
But forgeting U?????
F¤rget it.
A smile to start a day,
A song to lighten the moments,
A cheer to say “have a wonderful day”,
GooD Morning
The nicest place to be is in someones thoughts
and the safest place to be is in someones prays.
You are in both. Can I have a palce in yours.?
Open Your Mind
Receive my Wish
Open Your Heart
Receive My Love
Open Your Eyes,
Receive My Smile
Open Your Mobile
Receive My Special SMS.
Some day when the book of my life ends.
I know you’ll be one of its most beautiful chapter.
If ever I get to read the book again,
I’ll open it from the page We met.
If you wake up 1 day and were asked to have a wish,what would it
be? Mine would be that our love would last until you see an apple
in an orange tree = )
If I could give you only 1 thing in my life,
I would give you the ability
to see yourself through my eyes.
Only then would you realise
how special you are to me.
Love is a medicine for any kind of wound,
but there is no medicine found in the world for a wound given by love.