SMS Collection


Category: Smile SMS

Let me guess

Let me guess what U R doing…
Reading book?
Na Na!
Listining Music?
Watching TV?
Caught U!
Missing me and reading my SMS na.!!
Oh now U R smiling.

Thinking About Smiling

If you smile,
even if you are in a bad mood.
It wil immediately improve your mood.
Because the simply action of thinking
about smiling and using the muscles
is enough to trigger happy chemicals
in the brain.

Reason Behind That Smile

The Most Beautiful Thing In This World

Is To See Your Parents Smiling


The Next Best Thing Is To Know That

You Are The Reason Behind That Smile.

Smile Or Keep Your Mouth Shut

Smile is the second best thing

you can do with your lips.

Of course you know the first one ;)

Nah not kiss.

Its keeping your mouth shut.

ALLAH bless your naughty mind.

After a shower of rain

After a shower of rain, a piece of luminous sunshine decorates
the earth wonderfully…One drop of dew on the grass and a
foggy morning gives 2urge 2live…
But a illusive smile frm u increase vitality of someone…So
keep smiling……….