SMS Collection


Category: Smile SMS

Dancing On The Street

If wealth is the secret to happiness,
then the rich should be dancing on the street.
But only poor kids do that.
So always happy and keep smiling.

long lasting smile

It is a


M”ind touching”


L”ong lasting”

E”ffect which Wins the hearts.


Its your “SWEET SMILE”

So Keep smiling always,

good morning!

I Gave some1 ur cell no

Today I Gave some1 ur cell no.
She will be visiting u soon.
plz attend her properly.
I asked to stay with you forever.
Her name is SMILEā€¦

Smiling Quotes

Smiling Quotes

“You are never fully dressed without a smile”
(Martin Charnin)

“Beauty is POWER; smile is its SWORD”
(Charles Reade)

“People seldom notice OLD clothes if you wear a BIG smile”
(Lee Mildon)

“A smile is an INEXPENSIVE way to change your LOOKS”
(Charles Gordy)

So keep smiling