SMS Collection


Category: Smile SMS

smile is a universal language

Thousands of languages around this world!


SMILE can beat them all.


SMILE is a universal language

even a baby can speak.

May ALLAH  keep you smiling always :-)

Smiles Are Like Birds

Smiles are like Birds…

They fly from FACE to FACE.

May your LIPS give them a better NEST

So that they can stay there FOREVER..!

Smile Looks Good

You look good when there is a smile on your face.
But I must say,
Smile looks good when it is on your face.
Wish you countless smiles forever.

Let me guess what U R doing

Let me guess what U R doing…
Reading book?
Na Na!
Listining Music?
Watching TV?
Caught U!
Missing me and reading my SMS na.!!
Oh now U R smiling.

Sorry And Smile

The best kind of relationship
in the world is the one in which…
a sorry and a smile can make
everything back to normal again.

Smile On My Face

The smile on my face doesn’t
mean my life is perfect.
It means I appreciate what I have
and what God has blessed me with.

Today I Gave some

Today I Gave some1 ur cell no.
She will be visiting u soon.
plz attend her properly.
I asked to stay with you forever.
Her name is SMILE…