smile costs less than electricity
A smile costs less than electricity,
but gives more light….
So, always smile and prove that
you are the best bulb in Pakistan
and don’t fuse…!
A smile costs less than electricity,
but gives more light….
So, always smile and prove that
you are the best bulb in Pakistan
and don’t fuse…!
I would walk through the desert,
I would walk down the aisle,
I would swim all the oceans
just to see your smile.
Memories play very confusing role.
Make you laugh when you remember
the time you cried together.
But make you cry when you remember
the time you laughed together.
Smile Pray Love
Smile: It will make you look better.
Pray: It will keep you strong.
Love: It will make you enjoy life.
sending you 1000 smiles take one for now
and keep remaining 999 under your pillow,
pick out 1 every time because i want to see you smiling always.
Smile For The Ones You Love
A Simple Smile Is All It Takes To Make One Happy
Love Can Come In Many Different Ways, Shapes n Sizes
But A Simple Smile Will Conquer Everything
And Leave The Best Of Us Speechless
Here are 24 Smile
:-) :-)
For You,
One For Each Hour.!
So ThaT You Keep SMiLiNG 24 HOURS
Your smile looks adorable on you!
You should wear it more often…
A happy heart is a good medicine
and a positive mind works healing
in your busy day.
Don’t forget to smile
and have a good laugh becasue
it adds color to your life.
Rose is Famous for Grace…
Advocate is Famous for his Case…
Horses are Famous for Race…
But you are Famous for Smile on your Face…!
have a nice day