I love you not
I need you
I need you
I love you
Latest Best Wise SMS Quotes, Wise SMS Messages, Wise Text Messages, Advise SMS, Motivational Wise SMS
The pleasure of having a dream is that it is a fantasy.
If it happens, it was never really a dream, it was destiny.
No one will manufacture
a lock without a key.
Similarly God won’t give problems
without solution.
So defeat all the problems
with great confidence.
I love you not
I need you
I need you
I love you
Its not your mistake
If you can not read the eyes which cheat you.
But its really your mistake
If you can not read the eyes which care for you.
Everyone may not be good
But there is always something good in everyone,
never judge anyone shortly
every saint has a past & every sinner has a future.
Beautiful people reflect God in their lives.
They thinks his thoughts,
speak his words
and love without reason.
May you remain a beautiful person always.
Kabi Kamyabi Ko Dimagh
Nakami Ko DiL May Jga Na Do,
Q K Kamyabi Dimagh May Takabur
Nakami DiL May Mayusi Peda Kr Deti Ha.
You can tell more about a person
by what he says about others
you can by what others say about him.
Living in favourable and unfavourable situation,
is called part of living.
Smiling in all those situations,
is called Art of living.
So always be smiling.
Never search your happiness in others
It will make you feel alone.
But search it in yourself
You will feel happy even if you are alone.