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Category: Wise SMS

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space for third person

Third person never creates misunderstanding

between two people but

misunderstanding between two people

creates space for third person.

want to enjoy life

When you want to enjoy life,

Think today as your life’s First day.

When you want to achieve something in life,

Think today as your life’s Last day..

winning attitude

What’s winning attitude?

3 ants saw an elephant coming.

Ant 1: we will kill him

Ant 2: we will break his legs

Ant 3: Forgive him guys, he is alone & we are 3.

Space For 3rd Person

3rd person never creates mis-understanding between 2 people,


Mis-understanding btween 2 people creates space for 3rd person.

Pushing things to happen

Pushing things to happen before their time is a futile and
disturbing is like trying to change the flow of a
river single-handed.