long life friendship
Follow two things for long life Friendship.
1. Don’t talk if you are angry.
2. Don’t take the words seriously from a friend
who is angry.
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Follow two things for long life Friendship.
1. Don’t talk if you are angry.
2. Don’t take the words seriously from a friend
who is angry.
Ability of a person is not how he has planned.
But how he stands & faces the challenges of life
when everything he planned has gone wrong.
Often when we lose all hope
think this is the end.
God smiles from above & says :
Relax my dear,
it’s just a bend, not the end.
A stronger and positive attitude
creates more miracles than any other thing.
Life is 10 % how you make it..
90 % How you take it..!
Never break four things in your life.
Because when they break,
they don’t make noise but pains alot.
Good decisions come from experience.
Experience comes from bad decisions.
This is life…
Never regret.
Learn from mistakes and go ahead.
When your friend lies to you
it is not his mistake
actually but it is your mistake
that you didn’t give him proper space
to tell the truth.
A busy life makes prayers harder,
But prayers make a hard and busy life easier.
So always keep praying and
remember me in your prayers.
We work for making better tomorrow.
But when tomorrow comes,
Instead of enjoying,
Again we start
Thinking for better tomorrow.
We never enjoy present.
The secret of success
is 2% inspiration
98% dedication