Space For 3rd Person
3rd person never creates mis-understanding between 2 people,
Mis-understanding btween 2 people creates space for 3rd person.
Latest Best Wise SMS Quotes, Wise SMS Messages, Wise Text Messages, Advise SMS, Motivational Wise SMS
3rd person never creates mis-understanding between 2 people,
Mis-understanding btween 2 people creates space for 3rd person.
Pushing things to happen before their time is a futile and
disturbing is like trying to change the flow of a
river single-handed.
The beauty of life
does not depend on
how happy you are,
but on how happy others can be
because of you.
Life can be much happier & Less stressfuL,
if we remember one simpLe thought:
“We can’t have aLL that we desire
ALLAH wiLL give Us more than we deserve.
is the medicine
for any kind of pain
but be sure…!
There is no medicine in the
world for the pain given by
FORGET 2 things in LIFE.,
1) the GOOD you do for others.
2) the BAD done by others 2 you.
“GööD MörninG” ”
“JUST 4 U”
“MUST 4 U”
“Nothing 2 Wish”
“Nothing 2 Say”
“Always b HAPPY”
“Its my Pray”
Have a nice day…!
True Relation
when someone hurts you
and you didn’t hurt back.
When someone shouts at you
and you didn’t shout back.
But when someone needs you
you always come back.
When GOD takes away
something from your hand,
dont think He’s punishing u…
he is merely emptying ur hand,
for u 2 receive something better.
Have Faith!!!
Little fish ask her mom: why we can not live on earth?
Mother said: oh my innocent kid, earth is made for “selfish” not for “Fish”…….