Never expect things to happen
Never expect things to happen..
struggle and make them happen.
never expect yourself to be given a good value
create a value of your own.
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Never expect things to happen..
struggle and make them happen.
never expect yourself to be given a good value
create a value of your own.
No matter how noble your intentions are…
people judge you by your presentation.
No matter how perfect your presentation is…
GOD judges you by your intentions…
Few good thoughts:
1. Pray as everything depends on God
and work as everything depends on you.
2. To handle yourself use your mind.
and to handle others use your heart.
3. Don’t lose your mind in success
and don’t lose your heart in failure.
4. Beauty and color may attract the eye
but character appeals to the heart.
Winning horse doesn’t knows why it runs in the race,
It runs because of the beat and pains…
Life is a race,god is your rider,
So if u r in pain then think,
Gods want you to win…
:::Golden Words:::
“Tajurba Insaan Ko Ghalat Faisla Se Bachata Hai…
Tajurba Galat Faisle Hi Se Hasil Hota Hai…
Never be Sad,
If Someone doesn’t Recognize your Worth.
It’s their Loss because
People who don’t Appreciate your Worth
don’t Deserve to Know you!
Wrong is wrong
even everyone is doing it.
Right is right
even no one is doing it.
The great thing a little lamp can do
which the big sun cannot do is,
It gives light at night.
It shows,
no one is superior by size,
but by purpose.
Hundred words of a true friend
can never give pain.
But a true friend’s silence can give
hundred tears in your eyes.
So, Hamesha Bak Bak Kartay Rehna!!
To realize the value of 1 week,
ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of 1 hour,
ask the lovers who are waitng 2 meet.
To realize the value of 1min,
Ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of 1 sec,
ask a person who just escaped from an accident.