Change Your Focus
Change your focus,
from making money
to serving more people.
Serving more people
makes the money come in.
Latest Best Wise SMS Quotes, Wise SMS Messages, Wise Text Messages, Advise SMS, Motivational Wise SMS
Change your focus,
from making money
to serving more people.
Serving more people
makes the money come in.
Never raise your voice.
Just improve the quality
of your argument.
Although the tongue weights very little,
But very few people are able to hold it.
Life is more strict than a teacher
A teacher teaches a lesson
and takes an exam.
But life takes an exam
and then teaches a lesson.
Smooth roads never make good drivers!
Smooth sea never makes good sailors!
Clear Skies never make good pilots!
Problem free life never makes a strong & good person!
Be strong enough to accept the challengers of life.
Don’t ask Life
“Why me?”
Instead say
“Try Me!”
Don’t count what you have lost.
Just see what you have now,
because past never comes back but sometimes
future can give you back your lost things.
Bees That Have Honey In Their Mouth,
Have Stings In Their Tails.
So Be Careful From People,
Who Pretend To Be Sweet.
Success is like your own shadow,
If you try to catch then you will never succeed.
Ignore it and walk in your own way.
It will follow you.
Life is made of small jumps over great obstacles. it”s in the
courage of getting thru them that makes life challenging & exciting.
Lucky means who get the opportunity.
Brilliant means who create the opportunity.
Winner means who use the opportunity.
Be a winner always.