Your Heart Doesn’t Feel
Don’t let your ears witness
what your eyes didn’t see and
don’t let your mouth speak
what your heart doesn’t feel.
Latest Best Wise SMS Quotes, Wise SMS Messages, Wise Text Messages, Advise SMS, Motivational Wise SMS
Don’t let your ears witness
what your eyes didn’t see and
don’t let your mouth speak
what your heart doesn’t feel.
You are not responsible for
what people think about you.
But you are responsible for
what you give them to think about you.
Beauty is nothing if you have a
rotten attitude and personality.
It’s like a book with a good cover
but with senseless story.
“Excellence has always been achieved
by those who dared believe
that something inside them
is superior to circumstances”
Believe in yourself.
When Nails are Grown We Cut Nails,
Similarly When Our Mis-Understandings
are Raising We Should Cut Ego
NOT Relations.
Silence is the fence around wisdom
If you foot slips,
You can always regain your balance
If your tongue slips,
You can never recall the words
Never change your originality
for the sake of others.
Because no one can play your role
better than you.
So be yourself.
you are the best.
Never say sorry to the one, who LIKES you.
Never say Bye to the one, who NEEDS you.
Never Blame the one, who really TRUSTS you.
If you learn from your mistakes, you are intelligent.
But if you learn from somebody’s mistake then you are a Genius. :-)
Don’t spoil what you have
by desiring what you don’t have
coz what you have now
is one of the many things
you once desired for.
Good Day!