touches someone’s pain
When your fear touches someone’s pain, it becomes pity.
When your love touches someone’s pain, it becomes compassion.
Latest Best Wise SMS Quotes, Wise SMS Messages, Wise Text Messages, Advise SMS, Motivational Wise SMS
When your fear touches someone’s pain, it becomes pity.
When your love touches someone’s pain, it becomes compassion.
Golden Words: try to get these 4 things.
1. Sachi Zubaan
2. Amanat Daari
3. Khush Ikhlaqi
4. Rizq-e-Halaal
When the time comes for you to give
your heart to someone,
make sure that u select someone who
will never break your heart,
coz broken hearts have no spare parts.
We always feel bad
think that good things
happen only to others
But we forget that we
are others for someone else.
Sometimes its dumb to be wise and sometimes its wise to be dumb.
but more often than not, we are the opposite of what it is wise to be.
Once you let them go.
You can’t ever bring them back.
That’s why I’ll tie you tight to my HEART.
Because you are too precious to loose!
The sign of maturity is not when
we start speaking big things,
But actually it is,
when we start understanding small things.
A Bitter Reality
Everyone is ready to help you
but when you need help,
everyone is ready to advise you.
Observe it
Life never leaves you empty.
It always replaces everything you lost.
If it asks you to put something down,
It’s because it wants you to pick up something greater.
If you wait to be happy,
you will wait for ever.
But if you start to be happy,
you will be happy from today.