Fully Trust A Person
When you fully trust a person
without any doubt.
You’ll finally get one of 2 results
“A Person for Life”
“A Lesson for Life”
Latest Best Wise SMS Quotes, Wise SMS Messages, Wise Text Messages, Advise SMS, Motivational Wise SMS
When you fully trust a person
without any doubt.
You’ll finally get one of 2 results
“A Person for Life”
“A Lesson for Life”
Half of sorrows we earn by expecting
good things from wrong people.
Half of sorrows we earn by expecting
wrong things from good people…!!!
GOD always has 3 replies to our pray.
1. Yes.
2. Yes but not now.
3. I have better plan for you.
There is never a “No”
Just have faith and always pray to GOD.
If you trust someone.
Trust till the end.
Whatever the results may be.
In the end either you will have
a very good friend or a good lesson.
Mistakes are painful when they happen,
But years later a collection of mistakes called Experience Which
leads us to success…
Winning horse does not know,
why it wins the race.
It runs because of the beating and pain.
Life is a race, GOD is your rider.
If you are in pain,
then think GOD wants you to win.
The word Trust is d basis of all relatioas but a small mistake
made, can change its entire meaning.
Like just a missing “T” can “RUST” d relation!
Some people hear their own inner voices
with great clarity and they live by what they hear.
Such people become crazy or they become legends.
Anger is a short madness.
Don’t allow it to ruin
long standing relations.
Never Be Proud Nor Depressed
For What You Are And
The Position You Hold In Society.
After The Game Of Chess,
King And Pawns Go In The Same Box.