A FaCT :
When you are up in life,
Your friends get to know who you are.
When you are down in life,
You get to know who your friends are…
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Love and Death
are two uninvited guests
When will they come..?
no body knows
both have similar effects
One takes the Heats
Other takes its beat.
Do not feel ashamed if the amount of charity is small because to
refuse the needy is an act of greater shame.
People are not Beautiful as
they look, as they walk, as they wear.
They are beautiful as
they are Sincere, as they Care
& as they Share.,,,
Never reject a day in your life.
Because: Good Day gives you happiness
and Bad Day gives you experience.
Both are essential in life.
Enjoy everyday of your life.
A FaCT :
When you are up in life,
Your friends get to know who you are.
When you are down in life,
You get to know who your friends are…
A stage comes
when even words are become useless
and feelings become artifical,
relations become untrustful
and life become objectiveness.
That’s we call life
Success is like tip of the tail !!!If cat runs to catch the tail.
It has to keep running forever.But if it walks in its own style.
Tail follows!!Live life with ur own rules….
Never judge a person by his present status.
Because time has great power to change
a useless coal into a valuable DIAMOND.
Lesson 4 Life:
I” is the smallest word in the dictionary,
Don’t make it the biggest 1 in Ur Life
FACT: A tear burns hundred drops of blood
when it comes out of an eye.
Crying for someone means your gradually dying for someone.
for you.