Latest Christmas Greetings 2015 Funny Celebration of Xmas
The Christmas spirit is all around us with the tradition of giving gifts and wishing everybody happy Christmas with Christmas greeting cards. Here we presents you Latest Christmas Greetings 2015 to give smile to everyone around you. These Funny Christmas Greetings 2015 can be sent to people around on phone as Funny Christmas SMS or you can share these Funny Christmas Quotes 2015 on your facebook, twitter or just whatsapp.

Latest Christmas Greetings 2015 For Funny Friends
So, make a list, and make sure you send warm wishes to all of your loved ones. It’s a great opportunity to let people know you care about them. I can’t wait to spend Christmas with you. It’s the gift I have been asking Santa for all year. Latest Christmas Greetings 2015, Joy and love are all around us during the holidays and I want to spread them to you, my friend. I see the spirit of Christmas around me wherever I go. I hope you are able to feel the spirit inside you as well as it brings me great joy.
I love this time of year because I can use it as an excuse to tell you, and show you, how much I really care about you. Merry Christmas, and thank you for being you; you mean the world to me. Latest Christmas Greetings 2015, Though the miles may separate us, I want you to know you are deep in my heart this holiday season. The love I have for you has no limits. This is the season of being together. Latest Christmas Greetings 2015, It’s a time of hope and new beginnings. With this card I’m wishing you love and peace during Christmas. I can’t wait to spend the holidays wrapped up in your arms. You always make me feel the wonders of Christmas.
Latest Christmas Greetings 2015 Funny Moments with Family
Before the sun sets, before the memories fade, before the networks get jammed and before I get drunk and not find my phone, I am wishing you a very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year and hot nookie smile.
If one night a big fat man jumps in at your window, grabs you and puts you in a sack don’t worry I told Santa I wanted you for CHRISTMAS. Latest Christmas Greetings 2015
Merry Christmas, Enjoy New Year, Happy Easter, Good luck on Valentines, Spooky Halloween & Happy Birthday Now bug off and don’t annoy me for the next 12 months!!!!
Greetings Cutie, You really do run me wild, I dreamt about you last night. I wisdom my dreams can come true. I wish New Years makes that an in real life. Merry Christmas need Happy New Years
Have a very merry Christmas!!! Hope Santa was good to you have a awesome day and hope you got great presents hugs and kisses. Latest Christmas Greetings 2015
I want to wish us all a merry Christmas. I have a special glass of care, a plate of love, a spoon of peace, a fork of trust and a bowl of prayer.
Can I have your picture, so Santa Claus knows exactly what to give me? Happy Christmas.
Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered. What I don’t like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day. Latest Christmas Greetings 2015
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Have a great new year! Hopefully Santa will be extra good to you. Enjoy your holidays!
I love Christmas. I receive a lot of wonderful presents, I can’t wait to exchange. Latest Christmas Greetings 2015
Don’t expect too much of Christmas Day. You can’t crowd into it any arrears of unselfishness and kindliness that Babes all I want for Christmas is you