Top Ten Good Morning Christmas SMS 2015 Quotes and Wishes In English
Hurrah… It’s Christmas day let’s wake up everybody by sending the good morning wishes and Christmas SMS 2015 on this day and to make this day start with joy and happiness. Be the first person you say good morning on Christmas day and express your lovely feelings for everyone around you. If you are searching for best good morning sms to greet your friends and family on Christmas day. So here is good new for you that your search is over, here we present top ten Cute Christmas SMS 2015 that you can share through SMS, Whatsapp, Facebook or Twitter to give a very happy start of the Christmas day.

Latest Good Morning Christmas SMS 2015
The birds are singing their sweet melodies and the sun is already shining with its golden rays as your hair, it’s time to open your eyes and get up my love. I love you very much and I wish you a good day. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
A new day has begun to continue enjoying the great love we feel. Today I woke up with a great joy in my heart because last night I dreamed about you. Wake up my sleeping beauty a wonderful day awaits us. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
The sun is lighting up the sky, so you light up my life with the light of your eyes. I love you so much my beloved and on this day I want to say that I am very happy to have your love. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
Today I got up very early and got to see your photos, each passing day you look more beautiful. By your side I’m completely happy and I want to say on this day that I love you with all my strength. I hope everything goes well today and always. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
It’s time to get up my love. This day will be full of many successes for you because you’re a lovely girl and you get everything you propose. I think of you since I wake up until I fall asleep, I’m so in love with you. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
Fresh Good Morning Christmas SMS 2015
The sun has already shifted to the moon and I love to be around you wake up with a deep kiss, but I dedicate these words to let you know that I love you so much. I think about you every minute of the day. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
Good morning sweetheart, I get up very happy thinking about the fortunate we are for loving us so much. Today we will enjoy wonderful moments that make the love I feel for you and become stronger. I send you a big kiss my darling. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
I love to think about you since I get up because in that way my day is better. There is no times which you don’t are in my thoughts; I hope you have a special day my beloved man. Good Morning and hope you like my Christmas SMS 2015
I have nothing to give you except my affection, appreciation and admiration. I love you very much, my friend. Have a merry Christmas. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
Christmas is such a sweet time that it reminds me of you at every instant. Merry Christmas, my friend. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
Best Good Morning Christmas SMS 2015
You are a friend like no other. I love you with all my heart. May your heart beat with happiness on this night of love and peace. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
I wish you and your family a merry Christmas. Cherish the time you spend with them and be happy. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
The perfect Christmas is when I have the opportunity to tell a friend like you how much I love them. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
Christmas Eve is tonight on heaven and earth. To such a beautiful friend, my best wishes on this day. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
You are in my heart 365 days a year, and that makes me very happy. But this is a special day and I want to say merry Christmas to you. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
Top Ten Good Morning Christmas SMS 2015
I have wished everybody a merry Christmas, but you are my best friend and I wish you the best Christmas of all. I love you very much. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
I want you to know that I think of you on special day such as this one, and I am happy when I do. Have a merry Christmas, my friend. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
I love you very much and I could not forget you on this beautiful day. Best wishes and have a merry Christmas. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
I wish you a merry Christmas, my friend. May peace and love reign in your home tonight. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
I am far away, but I still can greet you. You are my best friend of all. I wish you a merry Christmas. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
Christmas would not be so nice without you. I take this day to tell you how important you are to me. Merry Christmas, my friend. I love you very much. Good Morning and Happy Christmas Day
There’s nothing sadder in the world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child. Good Morning and Merry Christmas
If you are still looking for more Christmas SMS 2015 here you can get more collection, Happy Christmas SMS 2015, Funny Christmas SMS 2015, Romantic Christmas SMS 2015,