Funny Collection of New Year SMS 2016 Greetings For Friends
As we all don’t have time to meet all our friends and wish new year directly to them. Check out the our latest funny collection of new year sms 2016 to wish your close friends in funny way and make them laugh out loud at new year evening. You also can share these funny new year sms 2016 on facebook, twitter or whatsapp them.

A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one Year and out the other.I blame Disney movies for making me grow up believing everything has a happy ending.
This New Year, may you be Saved by many friends who Enter your life to Delete all your Errors.
I envy the mosquitoes since they can spend the midnight hour with you and kiss you as the clock strikes New Year.
Take care how you meet and greet with people this New Year since broken spirits have no available spare parts!
New Year gives you the option all over to again to view the glass in either perspective – half full or half empty.
After making careful judgment, a brand New Year contract has been drafted for you – make sure to take full responsibility before you leap in. New Year SMS 2016 For Best Friends
This New Year, may you handle yourself with your brains, but comfort others with your heart.
May the New Year give you a clean chit to keep you far away from misers and doctors.
Wish New Year was every man’s birthday when people can wipe out all the unwanted and start afresh.
New Year Resolution: tolerate friends and family with extreme care even when they burn down your privacy!
I pledge that I shall not spend my New Year’s Day glues to my computers in my pajamas – I plan to dress up for my computer!
May your New Year show you the shapeliest reflection in the mirror – so jog to the gym every day!
May this New Year be so prosperous that you always extend your hand to greet friends and never to ask for aid.
May this New Year bring actual change in you – not recurrence of old habits in a new package.
This New Year, be at peace with your appearance, you are perfectly in shape – round is a shape in geometry!
Deck up for the New Year in a brand new avatar so that you become neighbors envy and owner’s pride.
As the clock strikes twelve, may you have the stamina to wish all of your innumerous Facebook Friends a Happy New Year.
If nothing changes this New Year to your liking, just change your habit of complaining!
This New Year may you come up with innovative excuses for your teacher or boss when you plan to bunk your class or office.
May you spend lesser time online this New Year and more with the real people who fill up your real world.
This New Year may you come up with innovative passwords to puzzle people to fish out the real one!
As people remind you to make resolution about self assessment and correction, give the same time and dedication to your house too!
May you find more time to help out the ignored and unattended people this New Year – and begin your charity at home – with your spouse.
Check out more variety of new year sms 2016 here Happy New Year SMS 2016, Funny New Year SMS 2016, Romantic New Year SMS 2016, Cute New Year SMS 2016,