SMS Collection


A peach is a peach.

A peach is a peach.
a plum is a plum.
a kiss is not a kiss unless its with tongues.
so open ur mouth & close ur eyes & give ur tongue some exercise.

Anniversary Side By Side

Today as both of you look back with happiness and pride.
Upon the years that you’ve spent side by side,
may every memory that you share.
Of dreams you’ve seen come true,
help make this special day.
A happy one for you!

Elastic Element of This World

What is the most elastic element of this world?


It maximizes the minute when

you are missing someone.


minimizes the hours when

you are with someone.

of course good morning

M-ake the most of it.

O-pen your heart and mind.

R-emember to thank God.

N-ever frown

I-magine me

N-othing to worry.

G-ood Morning!

Wish you have nice day


of course good morning

we need change


2nd largest Salt Mine
5th largest Gold Mine
5th largest Coal Reserves
7th largest Copper Mine

Still begging from IMF !

2nd largest Dam
3 Nuclear Reactors
5 Rivers

Still Loadsheding !

6th Largest Army
7th Nuclear Power
Strongest Muslim Army

Still silent on Drone Attacks !

7th largest Rice Producer
8th largest Wheat Producer

Still 48% hardly get Food !

Think !
Can Pakistan be a World Power Today ?

Spread and create awarenes
cz Change V Need.

Happy New year Even if …

Even If We have

Less Talks

Less Hellos

Less Stories

Less Greetings

But always Remember that

My prayers Will Never b Less for You.

Wishes you a Bright,

Happy and Prosperous New Year 2010 with God Bless!