May this Christmas end the present year
on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh
and bright new year, Here’s wishing you
a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I will honor Christmas in my heart,
and try to keep it all the year.
I will live in the past,
the present and the future.
The spirits of all three
shall strive within me.
I will not shut out the lesson that they teach.
quotes that describe the spirit of Christmas to honor.
First we’ll make snow angels for two hours,
then we’ll go ice skating,
then we’ll eat a whole roll of
toll house cookie dough
as fast as we can and
then we’ll snuggle. Happy Christmas
Thank you for the lovely Christmas present,
It was very kind of you,
we had a lovely Christmas & hope
you did too!
Lots of love & kisses.
Happy Christmas Day
happiness, joy, lots of gifts wish you wonderful Christmas day.
I am not alone at all, I thought.
I was never alone at all and
that of course, is the message of Christmas.
We are never alone.
Not when the night is darkest,
the wind coldest, the world
seemingly most indifferent.
For this is still the time GOD Chooses.
– Taylor Caldwell