SMS Collection


Tag: confess

Adventures of Loving Life

I take you to be my best friend,
my faithful partner and my one true love.
I promise to encourage you & inspire you
and to love you truly through good times and bad.
I will forever be there to laugh with you,
to life you up when you are down and
to love you unconditionally through
all of our adventures in life together.

confession of loving partner to share adventures of life
confession of loving partner to share adventures of life

Gave You Piece of My Heart

I gave you piece of my heart
no one else has seen.
Snipped into paper snowflakes
and wrapped in silken ribbons.

I let you take pieces of my soul
no one else has touched.
I tucked them into little boxes
laid them with lace and dried flowers.

I watched you set fire
to dreams I never had
before I met you.

and I didn’t move an inch.

want to know you how much I love you in this romantic poem.
want to know you how much I love you in this romantic poem.