SMS Collection


Tag: Fool sms

I Want You To Know That You Are Very Important To Me

I Want You To Know That You Are Very Important To Me,

It Is Not Possible For Me To Live Without You

Even For A Second! You Are My Life &

I Can Feel You Everywhere. Do Not Mind,

I Was Talking About Oxygen !

You Fool :)

April Fool (6)

Amazing SIX Facts

Amazing SIX facts-
1.90% of people in Myanmar don’t drink milk
2.Snake’s vision is up to 5 km.
3.A man can touch sun if his body is completely surrounded by mercury.
4.No twins have been born til now in Greenland.
5.zebra doesn’t have liver.
6.All the details are False.
Thanks For Beleiving Me For A While.
“April Fool”.. ! ;-)

April Fool (15)